Date: | October 7, 2021 |
Higher Forces: | Karmic Council, New Teacher OntariOm, Teacher Lucifer, Lower Aspect of Savmea (negative 7th dimension), Higher Essence of Savmea (9th dimension) |
Practitioner-channeler: | Savmea |
Interviewer: | Mithril |
Participated in part of the research: | Slava |
(based on Savmea's Book “I am a Living Soul”)
This information was collected through personal experience of reverse synthesis, channelings with the Higher and Lower Essences and work with different clients on their Lower aspects and balancing.
Mithril: Tell me, what is the place of Reverse Synthesis (Assembly) in the common field of human incarnations?
Savmea: Now the Teachers of the Karmic Council are showing four cycles of incarnations, perhaps there are more of them. Previously, only two of them were shown at all – the Descending and Ascending cycles. The Descending cycle is the path of the Soul to reduce vibrations, where with each incarnation an ever more Lower aspect is cognized or a different experience is acquired in an already manifested aspect. The Ascending cycle, on the contrary, is the Path of the Soul, when it assembles (unites) its particles lost on the path of Descent and returns to Itself its luminosity. The Path of Ascent is a gradual cognition (or rather, remembering) of the Light. These two types of cycles remain as they were. Now the Knowledge about two more cycles has been given. The first cycle of incarnations (before the Descending one) is the cycle of Cognition, during which – no matter what the Soul does – no karmic knots are created, in the period between incarnations It restores its luminosity through connection with Its Higher Essence, or, as we saw this healing in Angelic Space in the Healing Capsule. In this cycle, the Soul does not enter false contracts, its corporal earthly living can have such forms as an animal, a flower, a tree, an insect, a man from a wild tribe, etc. The soul, through such different “entrances” in incarnations, gains information and adapts to the energies of Gaia, the so-called tests... tests of the Soul’s creativity. Further, in this cycle, the Soul gains the experience of (co-)creating a Mind, creating a Personality, a Body. It tries, observes what affects what, in other words it accumulates experience. The Cycle of Cognition lasts as long as necessary for each Soul, depending on its origin (see Reverse synthesis, part 2), for its preparation to enter the Descending Cycle. Its readiness is determined by Its Teachers and Its Higher Essence, for it is impossible to “dive” into the Descending cycle without knowing how the Personality is formed, how it is possible to build it so that it would walk (and the Soul itself with it) down the Path of Descent...
M: Do I understand correctly that this cycle of Cognition goes before the Descending One?
S: Yes, it goes first.
M: Sounds like this cycle is for new souls, the young ones, right?
S: Yes, absolutely right. Cognition is the first cycle in which the Soul enters incarnations, It has passed the path of incarnations in higher vibrational layers (worlds and civilizations) and is ready to plunge into an even denser Earthly World, and Gaia provides It with a place and time for Its experiences of cognition. It is important to note that Souls are considered “young”, if they have very little experience of incarnations on Earth, regardless of the age of the Soul from the moment of its separation from the Essence of the Higher Dimension. That is, experienced and strong Souls, when entering our planet, have to start with the cycle of Cognition all the same. Their “experience” and “old age” affect only the required number of incarnations in this cycle Before becoming ready to “dive” into the next cycle. Not always though, everything depends on the dimensionality of previous incarnations.
The next, second cycle for the majority of Souls (about 80%), is the cycle of Descent – a cycle of even greater densification and discovery of the Lower Aspects. What does “discovery” mean? This is the living of incarnation completely on that “negative” level, where the Personality of a person expressed itself and lived in low vibrations (more details below). We understand that in order to descend to the Bottom one needs to live unconsciously as a person, and more than consciously as a Soul. In almost every incarnation in this cycle there are following parts: creation/ conclusion of false contracts, “sale” of a part of the soul for a “pittance” or nothing at all (numerous Sessions of unpacking false contracts and their nullification have demonstrated many options for such “sales”), etc. There is a deep personal story behind each contract, and, in sum, they create that very descent of the Soul to the Bottom.
Next comes the cycle of Ascent. For the most part, it involves incarnations of service, completing, closing contracts and collecting particles. In the cycle of Ascent, cognition of the higher planes (high energies) takes place, often this happens through religious egregors: service in churches, monastic service, healers or other service to people (doctors or teachers "with a God-given talent", virtuous rulers and other service to society), there are many variations, including modern channelers, who can be in the cycle of Ascent, psychologists, energy healers and masters of body practices – there is a variety of incarnational stories, when a person expressed themself constructively, creatively for people, for society, showed their talents, abilities for the greater Good.
The final cycle, the fourth, is the Assembly cycle. In this cycle the Soul needs to “assemble” itself along the Vertical Axis, consciously and constructively manifesting in duality both the Top and the Bottom (Higher and Lower aspects), being a fairly perceptive (sensitive) and emotional person. In this cycle, as the Teachers show, the Soul goes through lives in which the energies of the Top and the Bottom are strongly mixed. To achieve this, it needs a Personality with a very wide emotional range, a bright Personality with extraordinary thinking. In these lives the incompatible is combined – this can affect all spheres of life, as well as some of them. For example, a Personality experiences strong turbulence in the sphere of relationships and sexual relations, or in the professional sphere and relationships with money, or health and state of the body, etc. Several areas can be affected, whereas something remains more stable. As an option, there are leaps in activity: they create a big business – they go bankrupt so that there is nothing to live on – they create a new one again, they rise from the ashes like phoenixes, get up and fall again, while changing professions, changing directions... These are not easy stories... This can relate to the sphere of relationships: numerous marriages, messy divorces, divisions of property... Also, parental stories, loss of a child, death of a child, the birth of a disabled person – and all this happens in one life, everything is mixed and you could think, “Oh God, how many things have fallen to the lot of one person...” When such deep stories are experienced in one life, and there is not one, not two, but there are many of them – with a high probability this suggests that the Soul is in the process of Assembly.
M: And what is the purpose of this cycle?
S: The purpose of the Assembly cycle is to expand to the realization “I am a living Soul”, to a deep understanding that everything is possible, everything can be, that there is nothing wrong in the Universe, everything has a place to be and its own meaning. Therefore, in the cycles of Assembly, it is most possible to achieve a high level of awareness, which is transmitted to the next incarnations by the accumulated earthly wisdom of the Soul. This does not mean that the growth of awareness cannot take place in other cycles. It sure can, but least of it is in the cycles of Cognition.
M: How is awareness manifested in the Cycle of Descent?
S: Awareness in it manifests through allowing “this to be”, taking on some subtle rights, awareness of the possession of certain powers (a magician/ sorcerer realizes that they have the rights and methods to do what they do), or a psychic – they understand what they are capable of, they do it consciously and see/ understand themself from a certain angle. And just when they realize, allow themself to do this, the forces begin to interact with them, play along, obey... But we understand that this is a certain contract of the Soul, which is lived via the Personality.
M: There is probably a different level of awareness in the Ascending Cycle?
S: Of course. It involves a high degree of awareness, there can be service to people, understanding of one's Channels, awareness of oneself as a part of the Creator, Light, a specific light Unit that has its own history and Name in the Universe. So, among modern channelers and even authors who post on Absolutera (website), more than half are those who experience the growth of their awareness in the cycle of Ascent.
M: Now there is a large number of masters, schools, including you, Savmea, who work with different clients, their Souls, and, understanding different stories of Souls, it is impossible to view everyone and solve their matters the same way, it’s pointless even. Everything is so individual...
S: Exactly! For me, as a master guiding a client along the path of transformation of consciousness, it is very important to know what cycle their Soul is in, I do not need to encourage everyone to implement assembly (reverse synthesis), not all Souls request this. There is no need to lead them into the cognition of the Lower Aspects, because the Soul, striving Upward, asks for energies and information to ascend, it is in the cycle of Ascent, the center point of the personality is shifted to the upper vibrations, the Lower Aspects are shallow and in this case it is more important to nullify false contracts, to regress to the past incarnations and close the pains of the Soul, regain the lost light fragments. But sometimes the opening of the Higher Aspects also goes through the strengthening of the Personality, and the Personality itself will request which of its shadow aspects it wants to cognize (this will come out naturally in the work) – all of this is in the range of the Personality. But the Lower aspects will no longer need to be entered. The Lower Aspects are those manifestations of the Soul in the Lower Planes, which it lived in past incarnations, but in the current one the Soul does not turn to those energies. Therefore, as a master, it helps me a lot to understand what cycle the Soul is in: the cycle of Cognition, Descent, Ascent or Assembly. This affects the efficiency of work, the combination of methods and understanding of what needs to be paid more attention to, and the Soul reveals exactly what It needs during a Session, sometimes ignoring the interests of the Ego.
Regarding the unpacking of the Lower Aspects, I want to touch on a broad topic: in the Assembly cycle, the Lower Aspects are assembled through the chakras, in the same way as they were cognized and unpacked in the Descent cycle. Each Soul in the Descent Cycle cognizes the energies of low vibrations deeper and deeper along different Verticals: along the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and further chakras (not sequentially), moreover, the lower level along one of the chakras is lived in different interpretations (simulations) for a more complete understanding of it. For example, cognition of the Lower aspect, which may not be present in the current incarnation, as a manifestation of the Personality, is “a fraud” (“negative” aspect of the 3rd chakra): deceiving others for their own benefit, “to deprive others of something – to take it for yourself” – and the Soul explores it in various incarnations of the Downward Cycle, it learns the depth of this level, from a small thief, a deceiver to a swindler on a particularly large governmental scale. Of course, this requires the Soul to incarnate in different times and societies, in different statuses from birth. The chronology isn’t relevant here. Or the Lower aspect of the 2nd chakra – “a prostitute” – can be expressed in a wide range, starting as a girl who sees two or three guys at once, to an enthusiast of orgies. Imagine this at a different time in an Islamic state, not in a modern society, and everything becomes much more interesting... And yet, at the same time, there are many levels along one Vertical ... When in my work I realize (and the client, of course, also realizes) on which chakra the Lower aspects are arranged for unpacking, it is easy for us to detect and contact them, they are already starting to reach out themselves, because energies are arranged through these understandings.
M: These understandings help better comprehend the tasks of this life...
S: Yes... During the sessions we will work with the shadow aspect of the Personality, open some Lower aspect of the Soul and that's all – these two points give an understanding of what is necessary to work with along the Vertical: either we will work more with sexual energies and their unblocking, or it is more important to work on the third chakra, to strengthen the Personality, which increases the efficiency of our work.
M: The topic of reverse synthesis (Assembly) came up in our space not so long ago. There was already information that the Teachers are beginning to prepare masters who will consciously guide people through the cycle of Descent. I think there will also be those who will be able to guide through the Assembly as well...
S: Yes, I saw it in different spaces and received similar information from the Teachers in the context of my preparation for work with Reverse synthesis. A special kind of masters are already being prepared, “Universal Soldiers”, who will be able to work with any cycle, but they are a minority. Most will still have their own specialization: Assembly, Descending, Ascending cycles. You need to understand that the approaches, methods and goals are very different, depending on which cycle of incarnations a person lives in. At the same time, it should be noted that most of the masters work on the goal of the Ascending Cycle, since we have lived for a long time in the paradigm that we need to move only towards the Light.
M: Great, thanks! Let's move on to more practical matters. Do I understand correctly that the depth of the Lower aspects depends on the number of incarnations in the Descending cycles? And what does the shade depend on?
S: Yes, the depth of the Lower aspects, of course, depends on the experience of the Soul. Being in the Descending cycle, it can enter the incarnation of exploration/ cognition. That is, developing in the Descending cycle does not mean discovering some of its Lower aspects in each incarnation. No. In these incarnations, the Soul as if runs in there, tries to touch it, explores, but does not enter these states entirely through personal experience. An example of a client case explored through regression: at first there were lives where the Soul lived the story of a little boy, who was a toy of a pedophile, who [pedophile] liked this contact. In some of the next ones, the man allowed himself to have sexual intercourse with his son, and later the Soul lived the story of a pedophile-rapist who had dozens of boys raped to death... That is, the entry into destructive energies is gradual: in one incarnation the Soul will touch these energies, then it will put its hand inside of them up to the elbow, in the next one – up to the shoulder and then dip the whole heart – and this “negative” level will be mastered. Therefore, the shade of the Lower Aspects is exclusively the interest of the Soul and its collecting of its mandala of experience. Each Soul is unique, each collects its own energy mandala. And why It wants it that way and not any other way – this is Its development, Its movement towards the Creator, Its cognition of the Creator in Itself. Therefore, the Lower Aspects along the Verticals are different for everyone and the Higher Aspects are manifested in different ways – hence the individuality of each of us.
M: Earlier there was information that we, Souls, are all different, and initially of different shades (different shades of Awareness in the terminology of Architects), relatively speaking, you and I have different shades: living the same experience, we will feel it, live and perceive it differently…
S: Yes, yes, exactly. Because since the moment of our primary separation from the Creator, we walked with you (as Souls) along different branches of separation, peeling off in dimensions. This is the whole difficulty for the Hierarchy of Development – to give such an experience that would be useful for everyone as a whole and for each of us individually. Because what works with one is useless for the other and harmful for the third, you need to constantly select the right tools, methods, paths – and this is the function of the Teachers of the Soul during the current incarnation and its Karmic Teachers – Teachers of the Cycle.