Kryon. A message for channellers and spiritual masters

Date: February 15, 2022
Higher Powers: Kryon
Practitioner-channeler: Savmea

The field of Earth is full of energy purifying "structures", portals. One kind of such energetic "structures" is arranged by Souls when they serve, helping other Souls to purify their energy, their field. This is done by many esoteric masters using a variety of methods, ranging from some specializations of psychotherapy to shamans, healers of different levels and methods, exorcists, etc. All these people help others deal with their pain. First of all, emotional, mental pain, destructive energies which are visible on the subtle plane, which somehow get grounded into the physical body as well. These are the people who serve the healing of the subtle bodies.

Dear esoteric masters, of course, it is not you who heal, but those Flows, those Energies that pass through your space, through your mastery, through your Consent, which you are not always aware of. 

There are TWO main levels in this mass healing: 

FIRST is the preparation of the field of consciousness, the dissemination of shared information in the space, which happens through books, through your channelings, which are also grounded by you and through energetically streamed meditations. Information is settled in the collective consciousness in subtle vibrational plane layers. Depending on the level of perception and vibration of the consciousness, a person can pick up and absorb that information layer. In this case you yourself are both the one who forms the informational layer and the one who comes into contact with it. There is a great number of variations of perceptions and understandings among people, therefore there are a lot of informational layers and there will never be enough of channeling information, because it will rise in vibrations, in its content, in its informational depth, forming layer upon layer, supplementing the existing layers. 

Depending on how the consciousness of a particular person grows, Your—reader/ listener— understanding, perception of information, you cling to this or that information layer, this or that part of this layer, with which you can connect, in which your Soul can connect with the Mind. Your Soul, through this information, through this informational field with which you can connect, gives Its informational codes, as if opening Itself up. Therefore being in this or that informational space You should clearly realize for Yourself that this is the space where You now need to absorb information, which is the most difficult for You, which is new and incomprehensible. That is, the kind of information that you approach, but cannot absorb yet. The important thing here is that if you don't understand something, it doesn't mean that it “ isn’t for you.” Since it's in your field, it's in your environment, it means you're walking toward that understanding. You go, your Soul moves the Mind to this layer, to this understanding, to these vibrations that are in this information. 

Therefore, dear channelers, you will never be too numerous. You create those very informational layers, you create informational areas into which each Soul needs to enter with Its Mind, to touch, to find that cluster of information through which It will be able to give understanding about Itself, to reveal what It is, to give information to accept It. 

My dear ones, pay attention to the difficult information you come across. This does not mean you have to drop everything and open a nuclear physics textbook, though some will be tempted to do so. Take information that is a little more complicated than you can digest right now. In this way you will develop your Mind, which, later on, will be able to accept even more complex information, in which you will have more and more Knowledge about the Universe, about your Soul and its Path. Complex, in My interpretation, is the new, incomprehensible, which you cannot wrap your head around... yet.

I thank all who do not spare their time, who do not spare their resources and connect again and again with their Aspects, Teachers, with the Essences of Worlds and Universes in order to create very important information layers in the collective Consciousness space of planet Earth. You have been working on yourselves, purifying yourselves to learn to be channellers, to accept high vibrational information (even if it is from the Lower worlds) and thereby to create fields for the connection of the Soul and the Mind. I am greeting all who with their points of consciousness ascend into the space of the Higher and the Lower Planes. There is nothing high or low, everything is Unity of different vibrations, Unity of spaces. By grounding Knowledge, Messages you ground the vibrations, creating an opportunity for others to grow, to develop, to cognize. 

The SECOND level is a direct personal work of a spiritual master with a mentee when the purification process goes deep into a particular consciousness. This process is similar to removing a splinter from the body, when pain and destructive patterns of one person is a painful splinter in the body of the collective Unconscious. There are lots of such splinters, the Unconscious is full of them, and it is possible to remove them only in an individual way, when everyone specifically works on themself. There are numerous grounded and mastered methods for that and everything here is similar to the first variant: you are looking for someone who can help you to touch the depths of your process. Your esoteric master is at least in the same information space as you or higher, i.e. their understandings are not quite clear to you yet, but they resonate with you. Your spiritual guide cannot be in other categories of perception than you. An adept of esoterics will not go to an orthodox psychologist, just as a denier of the subtle plane and the Life of the Soul will not go to a regressologist. But cleansing work is done at every level of perception, which is why there are so many specializations and methods and everyone is needed, everyone has a place. Look for "your kind"  among the people in your information field. When this person’s resource for you is depleted, you will realize that you are now in another, higher layer of understanding, and in this layer other spiritual masters are working for you with their even deeper methods, capable of helping you to get the splinter that penetrates not only your personal field, emotional body, take out traumas of childhood, and take out, cleanse the Soul from pains, tie up its interincarnational loose ends, terminate false contracts with representatives of the Grey space, for example, return to yourself (the Soul) the initial Statuses, which help to "remember" contracts with the Planet... Among the spiritual masters of this level there are numerous channelers who manifest their abilities of perception of the Channel namely in this aspect of their Service to the World.

I thank you for working so hard to create a psychology of the future, in which 'psycho' is the Soul! Each of your work is unique, and each removed splinter allows New Light, New Energies to enter the field of collective Unconsciousness through a healed Soul! 

Blessings and Love to all of you! You have the support of Higher Powers and your Teachers and Angels!
Continue your Work, your Manifestation, your Mission!

With you, 
